
post-it notes...

posted by matt beres | | Posted On 2.24.2010 at 10:19 AM

i have a pile on my desk. it sits to the left of my keyboard, by the pen cup, next to the phone. there is a small space that has become somewhat of a collection area for post-its. and sharpies. and gum. and movie tickets.

first, let me just say that i love post-it notes. i love the size. i love the stickiness. and i love the convenience. i just love them. i actually love all office supplies - truth be told.

anyways, post-it notes have become my recording system for quotes from friends, people i read, or verses that have an impact on me at a particular time. i write it down on the post-it, hang it up on my computer screen for awhile, and when the stickiness comes off and it won't stay up - it ends up in the pile, or the post-it graveyard as i'll call it.

the question is - what do i do with all these post-its? i mean, i can look through them all and think of specific times where they had an impact on my. i can read through the verses and i know what fears they were battling, or how god was using that on my heart. i can look at the quotes from friends and think about specific conversations we had. it's kind of like a time line of the past 2 years of my life.

sometimes i don't know what to do with the post-its. do i throw them away? do i file them somewhere? do i use pushpins and hang them all over my cube? but, i can't bring myself to hide them away just yet.

you know what i think? we all have post-it notes sitting around - maybe physically, but maybe more in our memory. maybe we we need to do is keep the post-it note stuck in our head somehow. maybe we need to find a way to capture the lessons and legacy left in the post-its.

after all, there was a reason they were written on that little yellow piece of paper in the first place.


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