

posted by matt beres | | Posted On 6.21.2010 at 12:00 PM

I took an unplanned break from blogging. I mean, there wasn't a huge reason I haven't blogged and there isn't a big, life-changing nugget I want to share today. But, I thought of blogs this morning and the lack of love I've been giving mine...

So, here's a brief rundown of things going on in my head as of late...(this could be scary...)

-I live in the country. Like, there are chicken coops that run down my road country. I never thought I would love the country as much as I do.
-I have a SWEET job. It's true. I get to work with awesome kids and volunteers here at NewPointe. It's challenging, but worth it.
-I am personally growing so much. You might not see it, but I am.
-Read Emotionally Healthy Spirituality. It will make you grow so much. People might not see the growth, but you will.
-Courage. Have it. Get it from the right source.
-Relationships are challenging and require constant work. When you stop working on relationships you don't have them.
-I'm 25. Yes, I am 25. It hit me the other day. I'm not a kid anymore.
-Toy Story 3 made me emotional. If you haven't see it don't judge me. Back up off...
-Who knew 2 stuffed animals tied to a string could be so much fun?
-The simple life is desirable to me right now. There was a time where I wanted in excess, but after moving so many times I'm finding that simple is good.
-2012. The movie, not the year, is predictable and not imaginative.
-Laughter is infectious.
-Sometimes I take life way to seriously. When I get out of my routine I see the bigger picture and how I'm just a small part - and that is a very good thing.


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