
the prodigal...god?

posted by matt beres | | Posted On 7.20.2009 at 9:26 PM

one of my favorite stories of the bible is "the prodigal son." we all know and love the story because something in us is moved by the unconditional love of the father. for years i have identified with the younger son and have been compelled by the father's unwavering and consistent love for his son.

people have been talking about this book called "the prodigal god" by tim keller. i love the story. really appreciate keller's verbal communication. so, i picked up a copy at (they aren't paying me to say that - believe me...)

started reading it tonight and made it through the introduction and first chapter. meaty.

so, here's what i'm sayin...(really what keller's sayin...)

first, i was intrigued by the title of the book. "the prodigal god" naturally, your mind starts thinking about god leaving us and coming back or god rejecting our relationship with him. keller enlightens the word prodigal to mean, "profuse or wasteful expenditure; recklessly spendthrift." in essence, our god is prodigal in his grace for us.

second, it's unfair for us to call the story the prodigal son. really, there are three characters in the story and if you look at the audience he's speaking to people who identify with the older brother instead of the younger brother.

i don't know if this makes sense to anyone, but the book is already awesome. it's causing me to think...

who do you identify with in this story?
the younger brother or the older brother?

i think i can see myself in both brothers at different periods in my life.

just something to think about...


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