
bohemian act...

posted by matt beres | | Posted On 9.19.2009 at 9:29 AM

started a good book this morning. you know - a book. it has crisp pages. clean white margins. it's like facebook - except with purpose. and you have to think when you read it.

a thousand miles in a million years by donald miller is on deck this morning. if you've never read him check out blue like jazz, then searching for god knows what, then catch up to his latest. this book is great so far. his honesty is refreshing and gives me an honest belly laugh - like facebook profile pictures.

it's funny to think about the way we portray ourselves in our work and every day life. so many of us try to be the upstanding leader who is unshaken. donald miller, like many of us, tried the mysterious, dark and unaffected bohemian act. or maybe we throw ourselves into work avoiding relationships - knowingly or unknowingly. i'll admit it - i've tried all of these at times.

there is something real and almost beautiful when you sit across from someone and they strip off the mask, exposing their weaknesses and insecurities. when the bohemian act is off real relationships can turn on.

maybe you are hiding. fearing that your weaknesses being exposed will make you look...well, weak. jesus blows this myth out of the water. in fact, so many things about following christ are counterintuitive. the first shall be last. love your enemies. pray for people who curse you. losing life will give life. exposing weakness makes you stronger.

put off the bohemian act and get real...


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